Fearless disciples
Matthew 10:26-33
Are you captive to fear or captivated by Jesus? Jesus tells us not to be afraid of our faith and how people will react to it.
Jesus speaks of three types of fear:
1. Fearing injustice or no justice coming – What happens if people don’t believe me. What if I am persecuted? Jesus says the wrongs will be righted. God’s justice is better than ours. When God’s light touches injustice it illuminates it, it looks different and we can see it differently. We need courage to face the persecution. We can turn persecution into blessing others.
2. Fearing the cost – What can man do to us? Jesus says whatever happens to us in life is just a footnote compared to our eternal life. Our faith cannot be conditional on our physical safety. God will walk with His people through their trials. You realise Jesus is all you need when He is all you have. A fear of God should drive us to Him.
3. Fearing that we’ve been forgotten – Jesus says God has not forgotten us. We are valuable to God. Sparrows are almost worthless. They are insignificant. But not one of them is forgotten by God. Jesus reminds us, “If God shows that much interest in a sparrow, then what about you?” God knows how many hairs we have on our heads!
Jesus says God will take care of us as we go out to share the good news of the Gospel. Are you willing to get in trouble for Jesus?
1 in 7 Christians worldwide face persecution for their faith. Open Doors exists to strengthen believers faith (Revelation 3:2). For more information about Open Doors click here.