A church for all nations

Which way are you looking?

Which way are you looking?

Matthew 16:13-20

Jesus had a definite purpose – “I am going to build my church”. He will finish the job He started.

Jesus didn’t have an easy time in His ministry. There were always people coming to test Him and try to trip Him up. Out of these discourses Jesus always revealed beautiful truths and words of life and power.

Jesus is building His church. The church is not a building or an organisation. We are the walking, talking church and God’s Spirit resides in each of us. God choses specific locations to build and place His church. We, as a church, are where God has chosen us to be. Jesus is building something inside of us. God places His church in a location for a purpose – to reach the people He wants to reach in that area. God does not choose the wrong location. We need to find the burden that God has for the place He has put us in. God places His church right on the edge of areas He has a passion for.

Which way are you looking? Matthew 8:20 – our King had no place to lay His head. Jesus looked at people and saw sheep for whom He was willing to die. God draws us together from all walks of life to reach those He wants to save. Examples from Scripture:

  1. The Good Samaritan – A test for Jesus from a lawyer. Jesus got right to the problem of his heart. People in need don’t need priests or worship leaders, they need people to love them. The Samaritan’s compassion calls us to get out of our religious boundaries.
  2. The Prodigal Son – At the pig sty he was in a mess. Nobody wanted to rub shoulders with him. He returned to his father who was full of compassion for him. The father’s attitude was crucial to the restoration of the son. How would you recieve the prodigal son? Jesus watches how we treat people like the man who had been robbed or the prodigal son. It has to be more than words – compassion has to have works behind it.
  3. The Lepers – Jesus stood in their way and touched them. Jesus moved with compassion and touched the untouchables. God wants us to get out among the untouchables and touch them.

The function of the church is to follow Jesus. He wants to make us fishers of men. God does not call us to just be church attenders. God has called us for a purpose – to reach the lost. Are you looking in the right direction?