A church for all nations

The Gospel of Luke: Jesus is for everyone – The King is coming back! Trade until He comes!

The Gospel of Luke: Jesus is for everyone – The King is coming back! Trade until He comes!

Luke 19:11-27

This is a similar parable to the Parable of the Talents. The whole emphasis here is on the King coming back. Jesus uses this parable to tell his listeners that there would be an interim between His going away and His return.

There are four responses to the fact of Jesus’ return:

  1. Be afraid – Jesus is coming back. He will not return as a baby or forgiving savior. He is coming back as judge and King. God is a God to be feared and revered. Jesus is not our ‘mate’ that we can mess about with. When Jesus returns it will be in His full sovereign might and power. Jesus message is that we need to repent before His return. Do not delay. Be ready for Jesus’ return.
  2. Trade until He comes – We have a job to do and a commission to fulfil. What are you doing with the gifts and talents you have been given? Jesus commands us to use the gifts we have been given. We will be judged according to what we have done with the gifts we have been given.
  3. Be good stewards – The money belonged to the king and not the servants. The king expected his servants to put his money to work for him. Even the profitable servants didn’t get to keep what money they had made, but they were rewarded. All our possessions are given to us by God. Will you be a good steward? Jesus never asks you to trade with other people’s gifts. Thank God for the gifts you have been given and use them. Jesus can multiply our efforts in the small things.
  4. Be fruitful servants – Two of the servants had multiplied what they had been entrusted with and had been fruitful. Jesus expects multiplication of the gifts He has given us. The principle of harvest is that one seed becomes many. We are not called to be managers of God’s kingdom, but multipliers of the kingdom. Will you be multiplying the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life?