Does who you say Jesus is affect every fibre of your life or do you allow the yeast of the world to get in and pollute your relationship with God?
Does who you say Jesus is affect every fibre of your life or do you allow the yeast of the world to get in and pollute your relationship with God?
The normative in Scripture is that we will be persecuted for our faith.
The function of the church is to follow Jesus. He wants to make us fishers of men. God does not call us to just be church attenders. God has called us for a purpose – to reach the lost. Are you looking in the right direction?
it’s not about how much we do. We are unprofitable servants.
Are you captive to fear or captivated by Jesus?
Have you been awoken by the midnight cry? Are you prepared for it?
What do we need to be more like the church in Acts 2:42-47?
Three hooks to hang the Christmas story of the wise men on.
What does family mean to you? What does God say about family?
Prayer is a conversation with God. Our communication with God, whatever we say, is vitally important to God.