God our banner
Psalm 89:11-18 (NKJV); Exodus 17:15 (NIV)
What is the sound in Psalm 89:15? The sound of God moving. There was a sound of God in their hearts and in the atmosphere around them.
Praise is not just for a Sunday morning. Our worship team lead us in a sound – praise and worship. We engage with the sound. Praise is who we are. It is what we release into our lives. When we engage the sound God inhabits the praise of His people.
There is a sound of heartache, suffering and wars and rumours of wars in the world today. We often say “what kind of world are we living in?” God is our banner. A banner is something we fix our attention on. We can focus on a banner and rally around it rather than focus on the battle around us.
Prayer is the key to victory over our circumstance and the things of the world. Moses went up the mountain and raise his hands in prayer. Whilst his hands were up and he was praying the Israeli test were winning (Exodus 17). God is our banner (Exodus 17:15):
- God as our banner means His purpose stands firm – Nothing takes God by surprise. When He puts His banner over us it is proof that we belong to Him. His standard flies over us. God did not say we will not have problems, but He did say He will be with us in them. We need to know that our redeemer lives (Job 19:25). Like the woman with the issue if blood we have to push through the crowd and reach out to touch God.
- God as our banner means He is with us in every trial – The table prepared for us is in the presence of our enemies (Psalm 25:5). In our trials we need to come to the table God has prepared for us and eat. We need to come and partake of what God has prepared for us. God is the God of our todays.
- God our banner means His provision will sustain us – We are not just sent out to fight, God sustains us with all that we need to fight (Philippians 4:19). God can and does meet all our needs. Our banner becomes our provider.
- We need to stay under the banner of God – Blessed are those who have heard the sound of God in their lives. When we connect with God in worship He inhabits our praises. We need to praise God in our circumstances.