Let God use you as He is changing you
Acts 16:16-31
The key word is ‘let’. It is up to us to allow the Lord to take the lead in everything. God holds out His hand to us and He wants us to take hold of it. We need to let God be God and use us as He is changing us. We need to be a vessel of God at all times.
- Misconceptions and mindsets – Do not put God into a box. Do not have a logical ideology of God. Do not assume you know why something is happening without consulting God. Do not be outcome obsessed. We cannot limit God to human logic. We need to rely on God’s promises, 2 Cor 12:9-10; Deut 3:8; John 16:33; Psalms 32:8, 37:23-24. We need to hold dear God’s word rather than our logic or other people’s words. We need to know and understand that the Lord Himself is with us in everything. He never leaves us. God is always working, He is not subject to certain conditions.
- Is there trust? – “Let” God use us. We must fully surrender to the Lord and let Him use us even when we don’t see the results. We need to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7). Do not let disappointment limit God? We serve a God who knows everything we are going through. He sees the bigger picture. If God told us all that is going to happen would we believe Him. We need to not just know and say His words, we must trust it and believe it. Is the Lord opening our heart to respond to His plan (Acts 16:14b). Are we letting God soften other’s hearts to respond to what God has to say through us. We need to let God be God. God is still working in us even when we don’t see it. His grace is always sufficient and He can use us whilst He is changing us. In Acts 16:16-31 Paul and Silus didn’t know what would happen when they cast out the demon, but they were following the lead of the Holy Spirit. God does not say that we will not face trouble, but He promises to be with in in the trouble we will face (John 16:33). We need to let go and see what God will do. The battle is the Lord’s and NOT ours (Psalm 17:47). When David caught Goliath He used what God had equipped him with – a sling and a few stone.
- Just “let” God – We need to let God use us even when we don’t see the outcome.