The function of the church is to follow Jesus. He wants to make us fishers of men. God does not call us to just be church attenders. God has called us for a purpose – to reach the lost. Are you looking in the right direction?
The function of the church is to follow Jesus. He wants to make us fishers of men. God does not call us to just be church attenders. God has called us for a purpose – to reach the lost. Are you looking in the right direction?
Will you receive the light of Jesus this Christmas?
Every part of creation has been made to glorify God. Our Father knows what He is doing.
Where is God calling you to be a witness?
Do you know who Jesus is and how big God is?
Who do you say Jesus is? Where are you storing up your treasure?
What about the here and now?
Nothing messes up cemeteries like resurrections and nothing messes up churches like revival.
God is not only on our side but came to be with us, Immanuel, the incarnation of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
Our Harvest Sunday service