A church for all nations

The Gospel of Luke: Jesus is for everyone – Are you easily deceived?

The Gospel of Luke: Jesus is for everyone – Are you easily deceived?

Luke 20:40-21:4

Are you easily deceived by people in authority? It is easy to be gullible and to be deceived, even as Christians.

The Jewish leaders had all the authority and power. They controlled what the people believed. They power dressed and demanded honour and respect, but Jesus could not be deceived, He sees and knows everything:

  1. Jesus sees wrong theology (ch 20 vs 40-44) – Jesus challenged the religious leaders theology about the Messiah. They taught that the Messiah was David’s son and therefore inferior to David and therefore inferior to them. Jesus used David’s own words to challenge there theology. Jesus refused to fear them or come under there authority. We need to engage our brains and open our eyes. Jesus said even believers will be deceived by clever sounding arguments.
  2. Jesus sees hypocrisy (ch 20 vs 45-47) – Jesus saw through all the pomp. He sees what happens in the secret place and calls for repentance. The leaders dressed to impress and demanded to be honoured. It was all about power and prominence. They were clearly breaking God’s commandment in Exodus 22:22. God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).
  3. Jesus sees true devotion (ch 21 vs 1-4) – Jesus sees the insignificant small people. The widow gave 100% of everything she had. Jesus saw her true devotion to God. Jesus is not impressed by how much we give, but the percentage of our devotion. Jesus calls us to surrender all to Him.