The Gospel of Luke – Jesus is for everyone – Are you ready?
Luke 12:35-59
Jesus message is clear – a crisis is coming. Jesus is asking “Are you ready?” Jesus says:
- Be watchful (vs 35-40) – Jesus says be ready for action. We should always be ready to serve the Lord. Will you be ready to immediately welcome Jesus when He returns?
- Be faithful (vs 42-46) – It matters how we behave today. Our behaviour has eternal consequences. As believers we seem to get away with continuing to sin and there doesn’t appear to be any consequences. Jesus will return and we will be judged. We should not play around at being Christians. God wants us to be fully committed to Him.
- Reorder your priorities (vs51-56) – Jesus tells us to be aware of the signs. We need to open our eyes and be aware of what is coming. Jesus warns us that each one of us is terminally ill – the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), we are all going to die and face judgement (Hebrews 9:27). Jesus wants us to reorder our priorities in the light of eternity. Following Jesus may bring division amongst our friends and family.
- Get right with God now (vs57-59) – Jesus is saying judgement is coming and that we should make sure we get right with God before we face His judgement. Jesus does not want any of us to be lost and spend eternity in hell. Forgiveness is free and the burden of sin can be lifted from our lives. We can be and need to be born again.