The Gospel of Luke: Jesus is for everyone – Don’t argue with Jesus; listen , learn and encounter Him
Luke 20:27-39
If you were on front of Jesus now and could ask just one question, what would you ask Him?
Don’t ask Jesus stupid questions of God. The Sadducees had Jesus stood in front of them. They had seen and heard about His miracles and heard His teaching. They could have asked Him anything, but instead they asked Him a stupid question. They were not interested in encountering God. They just wanted to catch Jesus out. The Sadducees thought that only they had the truth. All their theology was based on the Torah and they believed there was no resurrection and they ignored the rest of Scriptures. We can make the Bible say anything we want it to say if we choose to ignore Scriptures that disagree with our theology. It is vital that we build our faith on the whole of the Bible. The Sadducees did not know the Scriptures or the power of God. They denied the resurrection in front of the one who had raised the dead, in front of the one who said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” (John 11:25,26). Do not come to Jesus to correct His theology or put Him to the test.
- Listen to Jesus – Don’t go to God with your own agenda. Go to Him to listen to Him and understand His agenda for your life. Listen to what God is saying to you through Jesus and experience His power in your life. Only Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
- Learn from Jesus – Jesus says we cannot earn our way into heaven. It dies not matter how good we are or what good we do. We all fall short of God’s standards (Romans 3:23). When Jesus answers the Sadducees He takes them right back to the Torah story of Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush and what God said about Himself. We need to encounter God and hear Him speak to us directly.