A church for all nations

The Gospel of Luke: Jesus is for everyone – Jesus’ church is a messy church

The Gospel of Luke: Jesus is for everyone – Jesus’ church is a messy church

Luke 4:14-19; 5:27-32; 19:1-10

How should Jesus’ ministry affect the church today?

As human being we like order and for everything to be under control. We do not like mess, particularly in cemeteries! Churches can be like cemeteries, all neat, tidy, governed by rules and regulations. Nothing messes up cemeteries like resurrections and nothing messes up churches like revival.

Jesus mixed with sinners and upset the neatness of the lives of the people around Him.

The Gospels tell us that Jesus didn’t want the church to be like a well ordered cemetery. Jesus came to bring life where there was death, brokenness, illness, etc. (John 10:10). Wherever Jesus comes He brings life. He challenges our sin, prejudices, apathy, etc. When Jesus disrupts He brings life.

We should want Jesus to be at work in our church and through our outreach projects. We should expect people to bring their messy lives with them.

Jesus tells us His messy church should be:

  1. A church where Jesus is at work in Word and Power – the Bible must remain central to our church teaching. The power of the Holy Spirit needs to be at work in the church today.
  2. A church strong in Jesus’ radical mercy, love and forgiveness – Jesus reached out to the lost, sick, demon possessed and powerless. Jesus came to save sinners (Luke 4:16-19). Jesus commands us to not judge others or ignore their needs. He calls us to love others. We all fall short of God’s standards (Romans 3:23). It is easy to be like the crowd when Jesus met Zacchaeus – “He has gone to be a guest of sinners”.
  3. A church that is strong in practical repentance and evangelism – Jesus was compelled by love to urge people to repent. He warned them of God’s coming wrath. Repentance is practical and involves turning away from our sin. Jesus said “Go and sin no more” in John 8:11.